Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where is the Void?

[Continued from the post: The Void]

The void is everywhere. Nothing is everywhere. The void is simply a lack of something being present.

Even in our universe of multiple dimensions in which we perceive the three spacial dimensions and time, the void is everywhere. An object can not replace the void, or nothing. 

So for example, let us say that an apple is sitting on the table before you. The apple is occupying the space and yet the void is not displaced. The void is still present. If the void weren't present, the apple could not be in that space as it would be blocked by something else, something indestructable and unchangeable. The void is still there, however now it is overshadowed by the presence of an apple.
Another example: Sound. Imagine an absolutely silent night. You can perceive no sound, everything is utterly silent. Suddenly a gust of wind rustles the leaves all about you. The noise is extremely loud and of course you can hear it. But the lack of sound, the silence or the void, is still present. It is simply overpowered by the sounds of the leaves. Both exist at the same time. The silence, or lack of sound is present, while at the same time the sound of rustling is present.

But we are beings of matter, so we perceive matter and its effects on the world. We often fail to see the presence of a void, of nothing. So we often fail to perceive the existance of possibilities.

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