Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Place

So, the individual finds itself a tiny fragment of society being directed, cajoled or even bullied into the restricted channels that society and man made rules impose on us. We accept these restrictions of potential and possibility because either consequences of not doing so seem unbearable to us and, or we are not even aware of there being anything outside of these channels.

As an example: Barely anybody descendent from Europeans even realises how different life used to be a number of centuries back. Imagine your ancestors's lives being wholy and completely dominated by the catholic church, where even the impression that you may not completely believe what the church told you would almost certainly get you killed. Look at the centuries of bloody struggle that people had to go through until the citizens of Europe and the Western World could live as freely as they do today. Never mind the fact that most of today's people are just throwing these hard fought for freedoms away by leaning back and allowing governments and corporations, or the groups who control them, to do as they like.

Most people live their lives caught within the confines that society sets up for them, never even daring to imagine anything else would be possible. A few people, however realise that these restrictions can be changed, shifted, expanded or restricted. Just as laws can be changed by governments or those who influence governments, societal rules are changed by the influential.
The possibility for a completely different existance is there. The void is there, with all its endless potential. It is only hidden from the minds of most people by the noise and restrictions of current society.

Anybody can influence and change these channels, one must only realise the possibility to do so. We must realise the endless possibilites that lie outside of our current world view and indoctrinated way of thinking.

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