Monday, July 19, 2010

Nothing and Possibility

What does this mean for our life. The void in our universe is subjected to the natural laws first of all (Physics, mathematics...). These naturally include the laws governing life and death. If you jump off a 10 storey building you will most likely die. So already we have cut down the endless possibilities of the void to fit in to our universe and also our lives.
We have no control over these rules, so we can not break them (Unless you cheat and erect a huge inflatable mattress at the bottom of the building). We are an essential building block of this universe. As we do not have the possibility of stepping out of this universe and its rules. We can not break them.
Yet even with these restrictions possibilities are still infinite. 

An empty plot of land represents endless possibilities of what to build on it. But may say. There are restrictions and laws in terms of what you are allowed to build and what not.

So what?!

These restrictions are man made. They are not physical. You can still potentially build a giant phallus that will overshadow your neighborhood. Anybody can step out of the man made system of law and order, of the nation state and of society. Of course there will be consequences, but the possibility exists and remains. The state, the law, society and its societal rules are not set in stone. They are optional. You have the power to decide whether you will follow them or not.

This is the first realisation one must make when thinking of potential and possibility. You are free. You have the power to decide. Nothing and nobody can stop you from deciding to do this or that. But for every choice there are consequences, bad and good.

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