Tuesday, July 27, 2010


A solitary rock, covered in moss sitting in a clear puddle.
Stillness. The Breeze.  Chirping birds in the canopy above.
The thunder of jet engines.
Stillness once again.

In the Airliner, dry air, drinking tomato juice, listening to the fizzle of a song through the plastic headphones.

In the thick of the forest, inhaling the scent of leaves and the forest floor, watching the sun's
rays break through the cool shade of leaves.

Both of these are realities. Both exist at the same time. Both are connected. And both can be seen from endlessly different angles. They are endlessly small fractions of reality. 

Everything, possibility and potential lie in the void of nothing.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Place

So, the individual finds itself a tiny fragment of society being directed, cajoled or even bullied into the restricted channels that society and man made rules impose on us. We accept these restrictions of potential and possibility because either consequences of not doing so seem unbearable to us and, or we are not even aware of there being anything outside of these channels.

As an example: Barely anybody descendent from Europeans even realises how different life used to be a number of centuries back. Imagine your ancestors's lives being wholy and completely dominated by the catholic church, where even the impression that you may not completely believe what the church told you would almost certainly get you killed. Look at the centuries of bloody struggle that people had to go through until the citizens of Europe and the Western World could live as freely as they do today. Never mind the fact that most of today's people are just throwing these hard fought for freedoms away by leaning back and allowing governments and corporations, or the groups who control them, to do as they like.

Most people live their lives caught within the confines that society sets up for them, never even daring to imagine anything else would be possible. A few people, however realise that these restrictions can be changed, shifted, expanded or restricted. Just as laws can be changed by governments or those who influence governments, societal rules are changed by the influential.
The possibility for a completely different existance is there. The void is there, with all its endless potential. It is only hidden from the minds of most people by the noise and restrictions of current society.

Anybody can influence and change these channels, one must only realise the possibility to do so. We must realise the endless possibilites that lie outside of our current world view and indoctrinated way of thinking.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Humans and their World

As a human we are born into a community. A community on a family basis, on a basis of friends, a community consisting of society and the community of societies. The community is of great importance. It is what has ensured that humanity has been able to survive.
The community or society consists of its members and a set of rules and guidelines. These are kept by custom, the majority of individuals following these rules, or they are enforced by power (power is simply the process of not challenging authority). Our societies consist of laws, our innate behaviour and our learned behaviour and ways of thinking, education. These rules direct society and restrict it to run in certain channels.
In a small community these channels are narrow and relatively inflexible. There are few new inputs, few powers that may act upon these restrictions to change them. As the community grows, becomes more complicated and more interconnected with other communities the variations increase. People who find themselves to be outliers of these restrictions have the possibility to find other outliers and form new communities with different restrictions. This mix of diversity and various restrictions is a stable state. The differences in communities mean that whatever circumstances arise there is often another community that has adapted to them or is able to adapt to them.
A community that is restricted in its ways, that has no possibility of change is in grave danger. A deep change of circumstances and the inflexible community will vanish.

The international community, if functioning in harmony is a stable safehaven for humanity. Yet human nature has seldomly allowed for harmony. So competition and greed have meant that societies and civilisations have risen and fallen. This sort of equilibrium between different communities and societies lasted for a long time. It was not stable but it formed an equilibrium of independent communities.
Over the last centuries this system has begun to be taken over. Communities and society have mixed and amalgamated, however only on the highest levels. Interests of the elites have become interconnected and intertwined in many vastly different communities and societies. This melting together of elites has broken the equilibrium and formed a new culture and country spanning community that is able to influence and direct societies.
This is developing into an attempt to set the same rigid restrictions on every community the world over. In infinite greed, individuals and groups with power are converting the members of the community through learned behaviour and ways of thinking to adapt to their ways and form one single community that has no alternatives. 
In order to function this world community must place great restrictions on its members. Being different can not be tolerated. The system of this community is becoming so intricate and finely tuned that a shock or change will cause devastation to the whole system. This is its great weakness. This one community is becoming like a human alone in the wilderness. A single misshap, a single shock has the potential to destroy the whole construct and with it its members. Despite this danger, the restrictions that this community has been channeled into reinforce themselves due to the self perpetuating nature of its education and valuing of dangerous and if left unchecked, damaging human traits: greed and selfishness.

In order to survive, this community must reform the restrictions it has imposed on itself. It must rechannel itself into a more stable system of diversity and independent interconnectedness. This can only be done, if the endless potential and possibilities of the void are realised.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nothing and Possibility

What does this mean for our life. The void in our universe is subjected to the natural laws first of all (Physics, mathematics...). These naturally include the laws governing life and death. If you jump off a 10 storey building you will most likely die. So already we have cut down the endless possibilities of the void to fit in to our universe and also our lives.
We have no control over these rules, so we can not break them (Unless you cheat and erect a huge inflatable mattress at the bottom of the building). We are an essential building block of this universe. As we do not have the possibility of stepping out of this universe and its rules. We can not break them.
Yet even with these restrictions possibilities are still infinite. 

An empty plot of land represents endless possibilities of what to build on it. But wait...you may say. There are restrictions and laws in terms of what you are allowed to build and what not.

So what?!

These restrictions are man made. They are not physical. You can still potentially build a giant phallus that will overshadow your neighborhood. Anybody can step out of the man made system of law and order, of the nation state and of society. Of course there will be consequences, but the possibility exists and remains. The state, the law, society and its societal rules are not set in stone. They are optional. You have the power to decide whether you will follow them or not.

This is the first realisation one must make when thinking of potential and possibility. You are free. You have the power to decide. Nothing and nobody can stop you from deciding to do this or that. But for every choice there are consequences, bad and good.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where is the Void?

[Continued from the post: The Void]

The void is everywhere. Nothing is everywhere. The void is simply a lack of something being present.

Even in our universe of multiple dimensions in which we perceive the three spacial dimensions and time, the void is everywhere. An object can not replace the void, or nothing. 

So for example, let us say that an apple is sitting on the table before you. The apple is occupying the space and yet the void is not displaced. The void is still present. If the void weren't present, the apple could not be in that space as it would be blocked by something else, something indestructable and unchangeable. The void is still there, however now it is overshadowed by the presence of an apple.
Another example: Sound. Imagine an absolutely silent night. You can perceive no sound, everything is utterly silent. Suddenly a gust of wind rustles the leaves all about you. The noise is extremely loud and of course you can hear it. But the lack of sound, the silence or the void, is still present. It is simply overpowered by the sounds of the leaves. Both exist at the same time. The silence, or lack of sound is present, while at the same time the sound of rustling is present.

But we are beings of matter, so we perceive matter and its effects on the world. We often fail to see the presence of a void, of nothing. So we often fail to perceive the existance of possibilities.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Void

Let us start with the void. The void of nothing. Nothing in time and space. In our four dimensions and also the further ones we can not even imagine. 

Nothing. No matter, no energy, no time. Nothing.

This is where we start. This is the beginning where everything starts and ends. Nothing holds the potential for
everything to exist. Nothing holds the potential for anything to exist. But it also holds the potential for nothing to exist.

Nothing is potential, endless possibilities. There are no rules, no regulations. Everything and anything is possible. No impossibles and no definites. 2+2=10 and 2+2=4. Up is down and down is purple. The Universe is a microscopic octopus with multidimensional eyeballs. We can only imagine an endlessly small fraction of the infinite possibilities that nothing poses.

So this is where we start. This is where everything starts. Be thankful for nothing.